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You say you want a Revolution?

Writer: Doug BurroughsDoug Burroughs

Events all around have fomented into anger driven hate which has led to a release of a wanton spirit of destruction. 

How’s that for an opening line for an article?!?

What’s the answer? Pursue the kingdom. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (contextually about care and needs being met) will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

The kingdom and his righteousness are first and everything else is last. 

What does that look like?

A revolution.

No, not that kind. A revolution of love. A revolution righteousness. A revolution of peace. A revolution of joy.

See it. It is the revolution of the kingdom of God. 

Where will this take place? Wherever the Holy Spirit is not just passively welcome but actively pursued. “For the kingdom of God is not meat or drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17

Church, our very culture is ripe for this revolution. It is ripe for the change, because we are positioning ourselves to pursue more of Him. The by-products of a “seek first” culture are a shift from theological arguments to encounter with God in the safety of sound Biblical exegesis, a shift from just reading the Bible out of religious performance to encountering Jesus through the Bible, a shift from institutionalism to the release of a people pursuing the Holy Spirit together as the family of God, a shift from “how does church work” to how are we to be the church, an expansion of our expressed faith from  in the building once a week to “on call” for the King 24/7, all the while living in a place of His presence, peace and worship pursuing His heart, face and His personage. 

Go back and re-read that last bit. It’s a mouthful, maybe even a mindful. In it is a blueprint for where we are going as a family. 

This Sunday is an important message. 

Coming out of "corona-seclusion”, we are reestablishing our community, our togetherness as a church and family. Some things will necessarily change from the last few seasons among us. Some things will change because of the opportunities in front of us. Some things will change because of what has been thrust upon us and our need to act reflectively and responsively. 

I hope you don’t miss it. Of course, we are subject to the direction of the Holy Spirit and His administration of our gatherings, so if we can't get to it because He wants to do something different, then we will do Him and His current agenda - every time...

But until then, here are a couple of things we need from you immediately. 

  1. Children’s church needs new help. Life circumstances have forced some of our people out and away from their ministry there and we are looking for new volunteers. There is screening involved, and an interview. If you are interested, please email us at .

  2. We need extra help with our Family Hosts. There are a few more protocols that we need to follow and need more folks to help. Again, if you can help us out here, please email us at

Think about what is in front of us. Celebrate where we have come from and look at all of it with hope. Our best days are ahead of us. God is on the move. The present circumstances sin our country will be overwhelmed by the goodness and glory of God for the betterment of everyone. He is our solution. Jesus is the answer! 

Be sure and email us if you want to attend this Sunday at and I will be online Thursday night this week only with prayer and communion at 6pm on our Facebook page - .

See you Sunday!

Much love,


Comming soon - Warfare, woefare or wormfare .... the spiritual war we are in.


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Meeting at: 815 14th Street

Greeley, Colorado 80631

 Sundays at 10 am

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@2022 by Fusion Ministries International. 

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