In The Day of His Power or Where are We Now?

Psalms 110:3
Your people shall be volunteers
In the day of Your power;
In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning,
You have the dew of Your youth.
Nehemiah 4:6
So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.
“It is a leader’s job to understand reality and then to explain it so everyone understands.”
If you haven’t noticed, we are now into the six month of shutting down “fifteen days to slowdown the spread of the virus”. I say that because we are not quite back up to speed - as a world, nation, state, county and Fusion Family. We are still missing so many who do not feel comfortable yet to join us. We have a few with babies that are waiting an appropriate time for their immune systems to really kick in. There are more babies to come and probably more directives from the government to not engage during the holidays.
The really good news is that COVID infections requiring hospital stays are lower than ever. The virus is mutating and we are adapting, exactly as how God designed us.
As well, we have been meeting since May and restoring what is ours by God, worship in a Biblical fashion that includes vocalized prayers and songs, praying expressed in intercession and the laying on of hands (Mark 16) and greeting one another in holy embraces. While freely expressing our Biblical forms of worship, we have also made allowances for those who are not comfortable with what and how we Biblically express our faith.
Green and Red - we have green wrist bands that says you are comfortable with ministry in our Biblical Fusion style - hands laid on. We are purchasing red ones that quite simply mean, “I love prayer from a distance.” Think green for go and red for stop.
Hand Sanitizing Stations - in both ends of the family room there are antimicrobial hand cleansing stations and fresh face masks for those who desire. As well, we have put out the majority of our chairs so that people can self social distance if need be from other families.
The Next Phase: Volunteers
Even with all that, we are still in process of opening. More is being added to the schedule, with the addition of two intercession nights a week (Thursdays and Fridays at 6pm), Creative Classes on Mondays and Prophetic Art on Thursday evenings. Next week, there will be an amazing women’s retreat on Friday through Sunday (see Vicki Brawner for details), and we will be witnessing even more. Individuals are praying and worshiping in the building during the week, and we are cleaning out old rooms of stuff that has been here since we bought the facility. There is a section of scripture in Leviticus 26 that states:
9 'For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you.
10 You shall eat the old harvest, and clear out the old because of the new.
11 I will set My tabernacle among you, and My soul shall not abhor you.
12 I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.
It may not look like it now, but we are in the cycle of this verse. We are needing to clear out the building of old things - equipment, construction materials, ways of thinking and doing, and make room for the new. In the last few months, we have many new team leaders, with more coming. New people are beginning to attend and we have had to discourage some people from moving here to be apart of what God is doing simply because the timing isn’t right yet and we are not ready for a huge influx of people…but we are getting there.
Our children’s ministry is beginning a wonderful overhaul which will give them both learning, loving and activation in the ways of God. Heading our Children’s Teams are Jasmine Notzelman with an assist from Mama Janice. We still need some volunteers (you will undergo a background check and an interview process). Email Bethany Harrold of interested. (

Vicki Brawner (also new to our team) and Bethany are coordinating greeters - which only requires a bit of time. Surely you could love, smile and welcome people into our gatherings…it’s not that hard. Email Vicki at
Jim Brockway and David Harrold have been doing a wonderful job during the COVID period into our reopening. There is a need now for people to train and learn how to do slides for words during worship, sound and more. To volunteer for that (we will train you), email Bethany (
Vicki is also leading the Women’s ministry and cleaning team. If you can help with these, let us know, just email Vicki.
We are moving rapidly into a place where we need to be good hosts and will need to volunteer to prepare for people in even greater ways.
The Next Phase: Ministry

It has been good for a while just to come and receive ministry for us and minister to the Lord, but now, we need to begin to go forward with some new initiatives.
In addition to the two intercession nights, we will soon be reopening healing/ministry rooms on special monthly encounter nights. Yes, there will be a return to soaking prayer for healing, both physical and inner, as well as prophetic words and ministry for those desiring it.
We are working behind the scenes on smaller groups for people to receive and give love, gifts and build family in community.
We will begin reintroducing training as part of our ongoing discipleship giving both Biblical foundation and application (activations) of the material presented. Training will be on identity, healing, power gifts, prophecy and more. Stay tuned!
Also, from a prophetic unction, we will be moving into two seasons - evangelism and deliverance. These seasons will run concurrently as the Lord is directing us. The message of the kingdom will be fully presented!
There also is the beginning of an advanced internship for those who want to make ministry a full time vocation/advocation.
Final Thoughts
Janice and I agree with the idea that the virus is nothing to be afraid of, for "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7). While being sober minded about the situation and using wisdom from God’d perspective, we are not to trade in a shred level bit of our joy. For those of you who think joy is expendable, Jesus paid a deep price for us to live in joy and know that one third of the kingdom of God is comprised of joy! Romans 14:17 “...for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Let’s reengage with our callings booth in gifting and in servanthood! Let’s volunteer freely in the day of His power and prepare now for the coming harvest!
Remember your identity! Remember you are loved. In short, remember the God you serve and what He has done for you!
Doug (On behalf of Janice)
PS - Make plans now to join us the Sunday night before Christmas for a special Christmas service of carols, Biblical passages, prayer and candlelight. December 20th from 6-7pm