In The Day of His Power
Psalms 110:3
3 Your people shall be volunteers
In the day of Your power;
In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning,
You have the dew of Your youth.
I wanted to write you quickly and apprise you of some changes that have come here at Fusion since COVID19.
First, my friend of 30 years and compatriot in ministry, Nancee Schroeder has stepped out of pastoral ministry in the church to pursue chaplaincy full time at Greeley Hospital. We recently prayed over her at a service and are thrilled with what God is doing with her. She and Peary will continue to serve at the church, where Peary is one of our board members.
With that, some holes have opened up which God will fill, one by one! Roberta Powell, who is accredited by Bethel’s Sozo ministry and who has served on the team with Nancee after leading a team at Risen Hope Foursquare Church in Fort Collins, has been released to lead our Sozo ministry. Roberta and her husband, Harry, are folks I’ve know for over twenty years, going back to when they lived in Kearney, Nebraska. If you have need of a connective time with God, book a Sozo with Roberta!
We are also are pleased to announce that Vicki Brawner is going our team as an Associate Pastor. Vicki has been a part of In-Motion Ministries for the last 38 years and will be helping us in our team building, community connection and missions. Zoey Cornelius, who assisted me in connecting with our missionaries, recently stepped aside to devote more time to her studies for nursing studies. She has been an amazing rock star!
Places to help!
There will no doubt be further changes, but we stay connected with the Holy Spirit and flowing with His leading! Speaking of which, why not volunteer to help us out as we continue our re-opening? We need greeters, which we call our Hosts, to meet people at the door, love on them and then help with offering. We also have needs in nursery, as we are about to experience a mini baby boom! Seek out Jasmine Notzelman to be a part of that team. Children’s ministry is restarting soon under Pastor Janice’s tutelage, why not volunteer to help there? By the way, these positions are not “lifers”! You can move on at any time, but some of you will find expressions of life and ministry you couldn’t otherwise.
Looking at Some Amazin Occurances and where we are in them...
The verse I quoted above is where we are at. Take a look at the bigger picture with me...
We are in the day as stated above. A day of power and victory. A day in which we cooperate with what God is doing and move in the rhythm and flow of His prevenient grace to our families, our city and our region.
Remember, how I often refer to the mall kiosk with the arrow that says, “You are here”? Let me point out a couple of signs:
There is a radical pushback on the church meeting together.

In California, one week the governor said you couldn’t sing, the next week he said you couldn’t meet. Measures are being looked at in other states. Fear of this virus (which has already mutated several times, thereby making vaccines ineffective), has been spread through the media, government and social media accounts, and some, in the name of safety and security, have told the church to sacrifice rights recognized in individuals as “inalienable” and from God, as rights which can be revoked by the state. (, Catholic Churches have been set on fire, some while worshipers were in the building ( Instagram has branded videos of some Christian worship as harmful, yes, you read that right ( A street preacher was assaulted and had his equipment confiscated in the tragic CHAZ/CHOP zone in Seattle. This is persecution in it’s beginning stages.
What does that mean?
The enemy is terrified about what God is doing and about to do!
So in response, revival is breaking out. In addition to the salvations and returns to Christ here at Fusion in the last few weeks, across the nation, evangelism (telling people the good news about the Kingdom of God and Jesus) has broken out.
The area where George Floyd was killed has turned into a revival with prayer, worship, salvations and baptisms. ( ( In Huntington Beach, revival has broken out on the beaches (, just like fifty years earlier ( Watch for this and fan the flame!

Here locally, people are being healed and filled with the Spirit! Folks are beginning to desire more street ministry with treasure hunts and prayer walks. God is mobilizing us. There was a prophecy last week, that echoed, almost verbatim a word which was given to me privately in the foyer after church months ago that basically stated that our worship is for waring over a city and a generation of young people, we worship and release the goodness of God over our city. Worship flowing out of the house like a river of gold into the community! God is coming! Worship is being released! The captives are being and will be freed!
Get ready! Get set! Go! God is moving freshly in the day of His power. Will be ready to volunteer here and on the streets for Him? LET”S DO THIS!