Fusion Leadership Minute: Develop Leaders Not Followers
“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” - John Maxwell
“A good leader gets people to go where they need to go. A great leader is one who convinces them its their idea so that they lead one another to it.” D. Eisenhower
Just the other day, I was talking with Janice about current events in our world and she mentioned that a Christian and media celebrity had a following of 2.6 million people. That’s a whole lot of followers! I recently heard that Kim Kardashian has over 300 million followers on Instagram. That would make my head swirl. I didn’t know that many fashion tips were needed in life. I thought, just look nice and make sure your lipstick hasn’t smeared. (For those of you wondering, I haven’t worn lipstick, nor do I intend to. However, there was the time one of my granddaughters painted my nails, but because there is photographic evidence, I don’t want to talk about it…)
By contrast, Jesus, when he was here on earth, did not concentrate on building following networks, but a leading network, built upon eleven individuals. Eleven.
Most leaders understand that there is a transactional aspect of leadership. Jesus, when His followers tried to force Him into transaction, Jesus simply made following Him more offensive. Go back and read the sixth chapter of John, Jesus chased away followers. Jesus wasn’t driven by gaining followers, but by building leaders.
Get that.
He didn’t try to build a following. He built leaders.
He spent three years living, demonstrating, teaching, telling and showing, correcting and shaping the culture of the kingdom, which was the framework which they would operate in.
Leaders, in our context, lead themselves and others into kingdom alignment, kingdom assignment, and kingdom destiny. While they are doing that, a kingdom community of family is created where at the place of acceptance, all are celebrated and at the place of mission, all contribute according to their callings and shared vision.
Kingdom Alignment
This is the place where we are engaged in transformation by the renewing of our minds (Roman 12:1-2). Our lives, thoughts, values, actions and reflections are to be a part oft he culture of the kingdom of God, including two critical areas: how we see ourselves and how we see others. Our kingdom identity, our understanding of Howe we are and whose we are, precedes our assignment. As Leif Hetland says, “Sonship is before all the other “ships”; leadership, apostleship, etc..
So, how do you get into alignment as a leader?
Ask the following questions:
Who am I in Jesus?
Whose am I?
Who has He called me to be?
Begin each day, affirming and delving deeper into these realities.
Kingdom Assignment
This answers the question, “Who has He called me to be in the kingdom?” As was stated in the previous section, you cannot allow your assignment to come before your alignment. Who you are is the foundation of who you were called to be. From that calling, you begin to understand what your passions and personality have to do with shaping your stewardship of ministry.
All of ministry is a stewardship, entrusted to us for a period of time, which will be handed back, when we are through our assignment. How are you stewarding your assignment?
Are you growing in leadership understanding and skill?
Do you solicit the feedback of others?
Are you checking in with the Father about your assignment?
Are you doing the things you are asking your followers to do?
Are you actively seeking clarification from Holy Spirit and your leadership as to your assignment?
Kingdom Destiny
Everyone is on a course with a destiny. The question is will it be one of your own making or in concert with the King of the universe? As we live faithfully in identity with the Lord and in His calling on us, we move towards our destiny.
Years ago, in a class with Wendy Backlund, she stated that she was having a hard time learning the discipline of writing. She knew she wanted to write a book and assumed the Lord had told her so, but was stymied in completing this challenge. One day, while she praying, she was saying to Him that she would never be an author because she hadn’t been able to finish the book. The Lord responded to her, “that is strange, you are already known as an author here in heaven.” She went onto finish that book and several others over the last few years. She discovered the secret, for God, He already knows your identity, your assignment based on that and His word, and therefore is responding to you in light of your destiny, even though you haven’t fulfilled it yet.
When did God start treating Moses as the leader of His people and the world changing Exodus? When he led them out of Egypt? When Moses began his turnaround after forty years? No, Moses was born into destiny. God already saw him as who he was and He treated him as such.
The lesson here is that we must begin to act as heaven already sees us in light of our alignment, our assignment and our destiny.
Leadership Core Assignment
Write out in your phone or on paper your alignment with heaven. How are you seen in heaven? Are you functioning as a son or daughter or as an orphan? Why or why not? Ask the following questions and begin each day, affirming and delving deeper into these realities. :
Who am I in Jesus?
Whose am I?
Who has He called me to be?
Define your ministry assignment. If you are not clear, ask to have cup of coffee with the ones who are overseeing you to get clarification. Answer the following questions:
How are you stewarding your assignment?
Are you growing in leadership understanding and skill?
Do you solicit the feedback of others?
Are you checking in with the Father about your assignment?
Are you doing the things you are asking your followers to do?
Are you clearly asking yourself and your followers to grow in Jesus, their alignment and assignment?
How does heaven see you? What is the destiny God is calling you into? Share this with your overseer and a friend/spouse? How are you moving towards your destiny in Jesus?
Are you actively seeking clarification from Holy Spirit and your leadership as to your assignment?
Dig Deeper
Leif Hetland on Alignment and Assignment
Books and Teachings to Go Deeper From Doug's Library - go to smile.amazon.com
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You may not realize it, but you have been empowered by these people. This book reveals a solid biblical foundation for living a lifestyle of empowerment. Through empowering people, Jesus set an example for us and revealed the Father's heart in doing so. The Culture of Empowerment gives insight and practical tools for championing people as well as developing empowering beliefs about yourself and others.