Firefall '21 will leave its mark on our body!!!

Are you like most Coloradans and are waiting to check your calendar to make sure nothing else may come up? Let me give you a few reasons why you don't want to be anywhere else this weekend, as you continue in your empowered Spirit walk to know God and make Him known!
A weekend dedicated to the presence of God actually can leverage an entire year.
When Janice and I were pastors of youth, we discovered early on the importance of getting our youth group away for a few days during the year. We found that if we could get them to detach, as much as possible, from their day to day lives, they quickly were attuned to the Lord and would break out in signs and wonders, birthed out of being in the presence of God. Their collective passion for the Lord would grow white hot. For most, it changed the next few months. Others, it changed their year. But for some, this encounter changed the trajectory of their lives!

A weekend dedicated to the presence of the Lord can help you reincorporate your identity and connection with one another.
In ancient Israel, they would gather several times a year as a nation to celebrate and reconsecrate themselves to the Lord and their unique place on the earth. Being together reinforced who they were, what they were for, and what their purpose was on the earth. When they began to miss these regular occasions, they fell into following their own ways, even to the point of worshiping other gods.
As we have held and hosted conferences over the years, we find come away connected even stronger with the people we are with, our purpose and our shared mission of revival changing the face of the earth! For Janice and I personally, some of these times together have been the strongest reconnecting and accelerating points in our lives in Jesus.
A weekend dedicated to the presence of the Lord can snap you out of current doldrums and into a place of high functioning life.
One of the hard parts of the COVID year was undoubtably our ability to gather, especially in conferences. That, added to the fact that the onslaught from the world and the enemy wasn't lessened, in fact, in many ways it was accelerated. When you go through a rough time, or you have been disconnected from your church family, even for good reasons, it can tend to leave you feeling like you don't matter or they don't matter, or worse, don't care. There is something strong, empowering and beautiful about reconnecting. As you spend time with Papa God, you begin to reconnect to Him and your real purpose in life, the hero's journey for the kingdom. You always begin to reconnect with classic connecting points like the Word, worship, prayer, ministry, both giving and receiving, and more. Finally, you connect to the shared identity of really good people around you, which all of us need more than we know.
When Janice and I have been through seasons where we couldn't make connection points with our fellow leaders and saints, we are just like you, we feel a loosening of the common ground that holds us together. We have learned to lean back into connection over the years and this assists us in our hearts being lifted and linked back together. "If you want to go far, travel with someone!"

A weekend dedicated to the presence of the Lord gives you exposure to a couple of the best teachers on the exaggeration!
David and Narelle Crabtree, retired from a powerful ministry in Australia, and embarked on their second half career here in the USA as apostolic leaders, coaches and mentors to the US church. We are thrilled to have them be part of our Apostolic Oversight Team and directly to host them as they teach. At the end of the article, I have linked to some of their ministry, which you watch.
Being under anointed teaching, while encountering God is a "quickstart" means to accelerate your growth in Jesus. You will be feasting on this meal for weeks to come. It will add to your sustainability in your walk and life!

All of this has be done for you to encounter God in a fresh, yet reminiscent way. You have been called to more! You have a story to finish in the kingdom! I urge you, sign up, set aside the time and join us for Firefall '21! . This will be a powerful, demarcating time for us in the Lord!