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The Soul of a Nation and Abortion
By Doug Burroughs

Leaning Into
By Nancee Schroeder

Notes for Becoming Disciples: Part Two (April 23, 2023)
Matthew 28:16,17 - 16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.17 When they...
Doug Burroughs
Apr 26, 20235 min read

The Battle Belongs to the Lord
If you have been reading along with us in our daily journal, you know we recently finished up Deuteronomy. Some folks may not agree, but...
Nancy Martin
Mar 25, 20236 min read

The Restart
Revelation 21:5 (NKJV) Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words...
Doug Burroughs
Mar 22, 20234 min read

Don't Call It a Comeback!
Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age; and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing. One of the things you notice in...
Doug Burroughs
Jan 10, 20233 min read

Out With the Old, In With the New
Every year about this time, people are taken with sorting through the events of their lives and year and beginning to plan for a new...
Doug Burroughs
Dec 27, 20227 min read

Defining the Season (Part Two): A Word about Ascension
First off, a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! It is a great season to be thankful for all that God has done in our midst and is going...
Doug Burroughs
Nov 23, 20226 min read

Defining the Seasons: tales of disinformation
(Note from Doug: Before I get started, I wanted to let you know that I will be present on Sunday and ready to give a word the Lord spoke...
Doug Burroughs
Nov 15, 20226 min read

The Pursuit
Zechariah 10:1 (NKJV) "Ask the LORD for rain in the time of the latter rain. The LORD will make flashing clouds; He will give them...
Doug Burroughs
Oct 12, 20223 min read

Are You Ready?
So, no, I am not talking about football, or about to begin a children's cartoon. I am asking about this weekend, are you ready? This...
Doug Burroughs
Sep 14, 20222 min read

A Revival of Sacrament: Ritual or Revival?
I have a quick question for you: Is taking communion each week a ritual or a source of revival in your heart? If it is just a ritual, why...
Doug Burroughs
Sep 7, 20227 min read
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